Most frequent questions and answers
That is a great question and one we don’t take lightly. We have invested over $75k of our own money over the past 5 years in educating anyone who will listen. We have also spent countless hours of our time working with architects, tribal leadership and management helping them set up their facilities – most if not all has been for FREE. This is a passion project for our CEO, he truly believes he can make a difference and is willing to put himself out there and bet his own money that he can do it. “So much money is being spent in the name of Native Health/Wellness, without the true knowledge of how to spend the money – that’s where we come in!” ~Orien J. Fiander, CEO   When you support Native Fitness you are indirectly funding our effort to make a difference in Indian Country all over the US!
It all depends on what you are needing, we do so much on behalf of the health & wellness Indian Country along with the private sector. The simplest thing to do to get a dialogue started is to fill out our contact us form, with a few notes of what you are looking for? 

Absolutely! Our team has been general contractors/project managers on lots of projects over the past 30 years – 26000 sq ft health club facilities to franchised restaurants to outdoor fitness parks!  We have an architectural design team that is Native owned locked and loaded. We are your one stop for start to finish projects.

No PROBLEM! Being involved in a Native Wellness Center is what we live for! We ask a series of questions to determine how much help you need/want and where you are in the building process to help us determine how much time we think it will take us. And then from there we put our boots on and go to work!

100% YES!  This is the number 1 challenge across all Native Wellness Center’s all over the United States, it’s not just yours. On how we do it is a fairly lengthy answer but we essentially start with the fundamentals and work from there. We offer full service operations, meaning you can hire us to take over all the operations of your facility, where we hire, train and hold your staff accountable to knowing our systems, this ultimately saves you on hiring someone internally but also gives you veteran wellness operators running your facility. Or at the very least you can do a one time consulting and we can give you a birds eye view of what to do. And if nothing else purchase our Wellness Center SOP’s, which includes a 1 hour phone consultation reviewing how to best utilize it.

You get a 1-on-1 with our CEO, either on site or off. This can be set up for one time discussion or multiple discussions over multiple time periods. It all comes down to the needs. Easiest thing to do is fill out our form for us to get a scope of what you are needing.

Traveling all over the US to help tribes is what we are about. The challenges we see on the west coast are the same challenges we see on the east coast. Tribal Health & Wellness is an intertribal challenge that we need to solve – that’s why we exist.

Currently NO! We are getting more and more pressure to become one, as more and more organizations are wanting to donate to the cause. What we can do is special, and unique. The perspective and experience we bring to the table is not found in any one company except us.

That is one of the easiest things we do! It is also extremely gratifying, because the change is instantaneous from old to new! It’s like painting a wall and then you get to look back immediately after you done and say “I did that!”

THIS IS EXCITING!!!! We started diving into this part of our business right before Covid and had to put it on hold as we had to divert our attention to saving our health club chain from extinction because of the forced closures. We are excited to say we have started working on this again, the idea of implementing a tribes DNA/Culture into a wellness program for tribal entities employees gives me the chills just thinking about it and excited to see some results. We are hoping to promote this part of our business this Spring and have our first client and product by 3rd/4th quarter of 2022.

We install all over the United States. It will require that you are able to receive the product and if that is a challenge let us know. Our team is always up for adventuring, and seeing every inch of the United States plays right in with who we are!